Urinary Stone Disease

Urinary stone disease, commonly known as kidney stones, is a condition where hard deposits form in the urinary tract. These deposits can vary in size and can be made up of different minerals and salts found in urine.


Symptoms of urinary stone disease can vary depending on the size and location of the stones. Some people may experience:

  • Severe pain in the back, side, or lower abdomen
  • Blood in the urine
  • Frequent urination
  • Urgency to urinate
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine

When to Contact Us

You should seek treatment if you have any of the above symptoms.


Treatment for urinary stone disease depends on the size and location of the stones. Small stones may pass on their own through urine with the help of pain medications and increased fluid intake. In cases where the stones are larger or causing severe symptoms, medical intervention may be necessary.

Augusta Urology Associates offers comprehensive surgical and medical management of urinary stone disease. Treatment is based on stone size, position, and chemical composition. Some stones can be treated with ultrasonic soundwaves delivered from outside the body (extracorporal shockwave lithotripsy or ESWL), while others may need endoscopic laser fragmentation (ureteroscopy) or percutaneous fragmentation and removal (percutaneous nephrolithotomy).

Risk Factors

We live in the stone belt, where the most common cause of kidney stones is dehydration. Others may have a pre-existing medical disorder underlying metabolic diseases which contribute to their stone formation. We will work with each patient to identify their risk factors so future stones can be avoided.


In general, it is extremely important to increase your water intake to 2.5 liters of water daily, decrease sodium and oxalate in the diet, and increase citric acid intake with foods like fresh lemon. Others may need specific medication to aid in prevention which will be identified using a 24-hour urine analysis. Medication and dietary prevention plans are custom tailored to each patient.

Surgery Options

We are able to offer minimally invasive surgery such as extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) and ureteroscopy with holmium laser on the appropriate patients.

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